Chase Me Method - How to Use this Law of Attraction Technique

Jul 26, 2023 Katherine Akbari


Okay, so you've seen the Chase Me Method on TikTok and now you're here trying to figure out how to do it. We'll explain how this law of attraction technique works and how to practice. 

How the Law of Attraction Works 

First, let's break down the law of attraction. 

The law of attraction is one of the 12 Universal Laws - meaning it applies to everyone, even you. We're all using it all the time too - you can attract both positive and negative experiences into your life based on the frequency of your emotions.

The law of attraction states that we can manifest our deepest desires by aligning our thoughts, feelings, and actions. 

In other words, what we focus on and believe in, we attract into our lives.

What is the Chase Me Method?

The Chase Me Method is a law of attraction affirmation that helps you to attract someone into your life.

It's not as easy as it sounds though because in order for this to work you have to sincerely believe and feel that they will come back to you - there can't be any doubt. 

To do the chase me method you say the words chase me like never before - you need me as you stare into the eyes of a picture of someone you want to attract. 

Now, if you don't really believe your affirmation to be true - you're not going to attract the person. Be sure to match the feeling of having that person to the words - this will strengthen the signal of your positive frequency.

How to Do the Chase Me Method

  1. Clear your mind: Before practicing the Chase Me Method, it's essential to clear your mind of any distractions or negative thoughts. Find a quiet space where you can focus and bring your attention to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and create a calm mental space.
  2. Choose a photo and affirmations: Select a photograph of the person you desire to attract, ensuring that their eyes are looking directly into the camera. This eye contact establishes a connection between you and the image. While gazing into their eyes, repeat your affirmation: "Chase me like never before - you need me." Speak these words with conviction and belief in their truth.
  3. Feel the affirmation: As you recite the affirmation, allow yourself to truly feel and embody the emotions associated with your desired outcome. Visualize the person you want to attract chasing after you, experiencing a strong desire and need for your presence in their life. Let this feeling permeate your entire being, allowing it to fill you with a sense of confidence, joy, and fulfillment.
  4. Let go: Once you have practiced the Chase Me Method, it's crucial to release any attachment or expectation towards the manifestation. Holding onto doubts or constantly wondering why it hasn't come true can create resistance and hinder the process. Instead, surrender the outcome to the universe and trust that it is working in your favor. Maintain a state of positive expectation, knowing that the Law of Attraction is at work.

By following these steps, you are aligning your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to attract the desired person into your life. The Chase Me Method encourages clarity, focus, and unwavering belief in your affirmations. Remember, patience and trust in the process are key. Embrace a mindset of abundance and openness, allowing the universe to work its magic in bringing your desired manifestation into reality.

Final Thoughts

Positive affirmations can be absolutely life changing. When you truly align your energy with the things that you desire you can manifest wonderful things into your life. 

To use this method, ensure that you clear your mind, truly believe and remember to let go after you practice - don't signal to the universe that you have any doubts as this will block your manifestation. 

With consistent practice and belief, the Chase Me Method will help you to attract that special someone back into your life. 

If you've practiced the Chase Me Method and had results, we'd love to hear your story! Contact us with how it helped to transform your life or if you have any questions.

Katherine Akbari
I wanted to share the lessons I've learnt in a cool place and write in a way that appeals to all generations. I cover all things neuroscience, psychology and spirituality with a special interest in pop culture trends.

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