How to Quantum Jump: Law of Attraction & Assumption

So, you're trying to manifest your desired reality with a quantum jump but don't know where to start? Quantum jumping is all over TikTok right now so we've explored what it is and how to practice.

    What is Quantum Jumping?

    Quantum jumping is a term that is used to describe the idea that an individual can "jump" between parallel universes or alternate realities. This idea is based on the concept of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, which suggests that every time a quantum event occurs, the universe splits into multiple parallel universes.

    Essentially, you have infinite pathways and every decision that you make leads to an infinite number more. According to this interpretation, each parallel universe contains a version of the individual who "jumped," leading to the idea that it is possible to move between these different universes.

    How Do I Quantum Jump?

    Practice the Law of Attraction

    The law of attraction is a concept that is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our reality. According to this idea, we can attract things into our lives by focusing our thoughts and feelings on what we want to manifest. The steps for practicing the law of attraction may vary depending on the individual, but some common ones include:

    1. Identify what you want to manifest in your life. This could be anything from a specific goal or desire to a feeling or experience that you want to have.
    2. Create a clear and specific statement of what you want to manifest. This statement should be positive, present tense, and written in the first person. For example, "I am happy and healthy" or "I am in a loving and fulfilling relationship."
    3. Focus your thoughts and feelings on your manifestation statement. This can be done through visualization, affirmations, or other techniques that help you to focus your mind and emotions on what you want to manifest.
    4. Take action towards manifesting your desire. While the law of attraction is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality, it is also important to take practical steps towards achieving your goals. This may involve setting specific goals and making a plan for achieving them, taking small steps towards your desired outcome, or seeking support or guidance from others who can help you on your journey.

    By practicing the law of attraction, you can learn to focus your thoughts and emotions on what you want to manifest in your life, and take steps towards making it a reality. This can help you to create the life that you desire and achieve your goals and aspirations.

    Practice the Law of Assumption

    The law of assumption and the law of attraction are similar in that they both involve the idea that our thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our reality. However, there are some key differences between the two concepts.

    One of the main differences is that the law of assumption focuses on the idea of assuming that what we want is already true, while the law of attraction focuses on the idea of focusing our thoughts and emotions on what we want to manifest.

    This means that the law of assumption involves making a positive assumption about what we want, while the law of attraction involves actively visualizing and affirming what we want.

    Another difference is that the law of assumption emphasizes the importance of taking action towards manifesting our desires, while the law of attraction focuses more on the power of our thoughts and beliefs to shape our reality. This means that the law of assumption emphasizes the need to take practical steps towards achieving our goals, while the law of attraction emphasizes the role of our thoughts and emotions in manifesting what we want.

    Overall, the law of assumption and the law of attraction are similar but distinct concepts that can both be used to help us manifest our desires and create the lives that we want.

    Final Thoughts

    Combining the use of the law of attraction and the law of assumption is a powerful recipe to quantum jump to your desired reality. Once you have an understanding that it's your thoughts that manifest your reality, you become more aware of what's happening in that head of yours. Through this awareness and practice you can shift your subconscious programming and begin to see changes in your life. We recommend practicing these manifestation techniques for 30 days to start seeing results.

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    I wanted to share the lessons I've learnt in a cool place and write in a way that appeals to all generations. I cover all things neuroscience, psychology and spirituality with a special interest in pop culture trends.