Differences between the Law of Attraction & Law of Assumption

Jul 26, 2023 Natalie Eshaya


The law of assumption and the law of attraction are both powerful manifestation techniques that, when understood, can help to shift your reality. Though they are slightly different, the two laws are closely related and can be potent when working in tandem.

The law of assumption purports that we create our reality by assuming that something is true.

The law of attraction differs in that it states that we attract whatever our mind focuses on; so positive thoughts attract positive outcomes and negative thoughts, negative ones. But how do they work? Let's explore this a little further. 

What is the Law of Assumption? 

The law of assumption delves into the inner workings and belief systems of the subconscious mind. It was first conceptualised by philosopher Neville Goddard who believed that the world is simply a projection of our inner consciousness. In other words, our thoughts and assumptions create our reality.

But manifesting with the law of assumption isn't as easy as it sounds.

You can't simply think “I assume ‘x' and expect it to happen, your subconscious programming has to be in alignment with your assumption. So if you don't truly, deeply believe it to be true, then it will not manifest. 

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is one of the 12 Universal Laws. These laws are said to be the most intrinsic and unchangeable laws of the universe. Essentially, they apply to everyone equally, with no exception.

The law of attraction simply states that like attracts like. It is the belief that our thoughts and emotions shape our reality. For example, if Person A is someone who is constantly negative, they will continue to attract negative outcomes.

For this person, merely thinking “I want x won't work. This person needs to work on their negative subconscious programming and past trauma in order to vibrate at a higher frequency and attract positive outcomes. 

What is the Difference Between the Law of Assumption & Law of Attraction?

Though they can be used in tandem, there are some differences between the law of assumption and law of attraction. The law of assumption is about manifesting what you want by believing that you already have it.

The law of attraction is the belief that like attracts like. 

It's about positive thoughts attracting positive outcomes and vice versa. Another key difference is that the law of assumption assumes that there is nothing outside consciousness, that we are the ultimate creators of our reality.

It is the belief that nothing else exists outside of the mind, where-as the law of attraction interacts with a universal field of energy (the Schumann Resonance) and is more spiritual in nature. Although they differ, both laws are equally as powerful when practiced correctly.

How to Use the Law of Assumption and Law of Attraction

To practice these laws correctly you first need to work on your subconscious programming. Both the law of assumption and law of attraction are deeply connected to the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is our brain's version of autopilot. Not only is it automatic, it's also on a constant loop. Around 90% of the thoughts that you think today are the same as yesterday. This is called subconscious programming and affects all of our decision-making without us even realising it. 

The subconscious mind is wrought with the personal assumptions that we make about the world. If your deep subconscious assumption is negative, like “life is hard, then the law of assumption will continue to give you experiences that affirm your assumption. 

The subconscious mind is also responsible for storing all of our memories, past experiences, beliefs, values and trauma. So, if you're someone who suffers from anxiety for example, your subconscious programming would continue to reinforce that you're anxious.

Therefore, trying to attract positive outcomes will be difficult, because the brain simply does not believe you. In order to shift these assumptions and emotions we have to match the vibrational frequency of positive outcomes. 

The Laws & Subconscious Programming

We start to establish subconscious programming between the ages of 0 and 7 years old. During this time, both hemispheres of our brain are firing and absorbing new information like a sponge.

We begin to be conditioned by our families, schools and society and as a result develop our personality or “Ego. This is where the majority of our deeply ingrained belief systems are formed, which follow us into adulthood. 

In order to access the law of assumption and law of attraction we need to work through subconscious programming that is impacting us negatively. For example, Person B was raised by a dad who was very anxious.

Their dad didn't allow Person B to explore or try new things without telling them to "be careful, watch out or don't do that". Person B grew up to believe that trying new things was scary and dangerous. This manifested into an adult who struggles with anxiety, self-doubt and low self-esteem.

Bringing awareness to your programming and trauma can be quite challenging, but is necessary to raise your emotional frequency. Perhaps one of the most powerful ways to work through these issues is by working on unblocking the 7 chakras through practices like meditation or breathwork.

This will help you to bring awareness to issues relating to; fear, anxiety, depression, self-confidence, love, expression and intuition. After you've unearthed and worked through these issues you're ready to use the law of assumption and law of attraction to manifest your desires. 

4 Steps to Manifest with the Law of Assumption & Law of Attraction

In order to attract positive outcomes, both of these laws require a person to be vibrating at a high emotional frequency. You can't just think about your desires without belief. You have to match your frequency with those desires. Here are 4 steps to help you on your journey to manifest with the laws of assumption and attraction: 

Step 1 Calm the Mind

Pick a quiet space where you can relax and focus on your desire. We recommend closing your eyes and taking 3 deep conscious breaths before setting your intention. The breath should be slow and elongated; in through the nose, into the belly, then the chest and out through the mouth like you're blowing out candles. 

Step 2 Set Your Intention

Decide exactly what it is that you want to manifest. Having clarity on what you desire is extremely important. We need to signal to the subconscious mind that this attraction or assumption is real and start to create new neural pathways.

You might be trying to manifest your perfect home for example; what does it look like? What's the location? What does it smell like? Who's with you? Making these decisions will help you create a very clear vision of what you desire.

Step 3 Feel Your Desire

Now that you know exactly what you want you have to raise your emotional vibrations. Assume that what you want is already yours and try to feel that emotion throughout your whole body; What do you look like in your perfect home? What do you feel? Who have you become? What does your new life look like? 

Sit in this emotion for as long as you'd like, but ensure that you genuinely feel the sensations of believing it to be true. You may notice warmth in the body or around your heart, tingling sensations or a smile may start to grow on your face.

Step 4 Assume It To Be True 

Once you've calmed the mind, set your intention and matched the desire's emotional frequency there is no more to be done. Assume it to be true and let go. If you can truly cultivate the feeling of your desire and deeply believe it to be true, you're creating a new map for the subconscious mind.

If you find that you're letting fear or doubt dampen this assumption and belief then you may still need to work on unblocking subconscious trauma. 

Final Thoughts

Though the law of assumption and law of attraction have some fundamental differences, they are rooted in healing the subconscious mind. If you work to heal your ingrained negative assumptions and work through your past trauma, you are more energetically aligned with your desires.

If you're looking to work with these laws but haven't yet worked through your subconscious programming we recommend; chakra meditation, breathwork, chakra affirmations or listening to the solfeggio chakra frequencies.

These modalities will equip you with mindfulness techniques to help unearth trauma and illuminate what subconscious thoughts are holding you back.

Natalie Eshaya
My background is in law and journalism. As a lawyer I was stressed out and struggling through life, I discovered spirituality through meditation and breathwork in my late 20s and love to share what I've learned here.

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