Shadow Work Prompts for Breakups

Shadow work prompts for breakups will help you to heal your trauma and work through any internal blockages to help you move on

How to Write Affirmations to Manifest Money

Money manifestation affirmations are a powerful law of attraction technique that attracts abundance and luck. We teach you how to write affirmations for money

How to Do Mirror Work to Manifest Anything

Mirror work is a powerful manifestation technique that uses affirmations to shift your subconscious thoughts and attract your desires

31 Positive Affirmations for Imposter Syndrome

We explain the 5 types of imposter syndrome, how affirmations can help you overcome this feeling and give 31 examples of positive affirmations to use

How to Use the Law of Assumption: 35 Affirmations

Learn how to use the law of assumption for love with this easy guide! Get inspired with 35 love affirmations that will help attract more positive luck into your life.

How to Unblock Your Throat Chakra: 36 Positive Affirmations

Positive throat chakra affirmations can help to unblock your expression centre by identifying physical and emotional symptoms. Learn how to practice

35 Shadow Work Prompts for Letting Go & Healing Trauma

Do you struggle letting go of the past? Shadow work prompts for letting go will help to work through your trauma and lead to healing and transformation.