How to Heal an Avoidant Attachment Style

You want love, but when it comes it feels suffocating; you don't feel comfortable opening up about yourself and you almost always go into self sabotage mode in relationships...sound familiar?

If so, you probably have an avoidant attachment style and that's okay, you're not stuck with your attachment style - you can change it, it just takes a little time and practice.

    What is Avoidant Attachment Style?

    Avoidant attachment style often develops during childhood when emotional warmth and closeness are lacking or inconsistently provided by caregivers. This early experience teaches you to value independence and self-sufficiency above intimate relationships.

    As a result, you may find yourself to be uncomfortable with emotional intimacy and hesitant to rely on others. This avoidance is a protective measure, helping you control vulnerabilities and maintain a sense of personal safety. Over time, this can lead to a pattern of emotional distancing in relationships, where you prioritize personal independence over connection.

    If you'd like to jump to our self therapy journal for a deeper dive, you can check it out here.

    Why Do People Have an Avoidant Attachment Style?

    Avoidant attachment style often has its roots in early childhood experiences. It's generally thought to develop in response to caregivers who were emotionally unavailable, inconsistent, or neglectful, this also extends to caregivers who may have been loving but were very busy or absent for periods of time. These experiences teach the child that close relationships are unstable and unsafe.

    You learn to rely on yourself and build a protective shell around your emotions to avoid disappointment and hurt. As you grow, this coping mechanism evolves into an avoidant attachment style, characterized by emotional distance, self-reliance, and discomfort with intimacy.

    It's also worth noting that some people may develop avoidant attachment tendencies later in life, often as a result of traumatic experiences or relationships that have undermined their trust in others.

    How to Heal An Avoidant Attachment Style

    1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

    Start by recognizing and accepting your emotions, even if they make you uncomfortable. Understanding that it's okay to feel vulnerable sometimes can help you begin to lower your guard and connect more deeply with others.

    Acknowledging your feelings is the first step in becoming aware of how they influence your behavior and relationships. By doing this, you allow yourself to experience emotions fully without judgment, which is crucial for emotional healing. This process helps you build the foundation for more authentic connections with others, moving away from avoidant behaviors.

    2. Understand the Roots of Your Avoidance

    Reflect on past experiences that may have contributed to your avoidant attachment style. Identifying these patterns can illuminate why you react the way you do in relationships and help you address the underlying issues.

    This understanding can empower you to make conscious changes in how you relate to others, helping to break cycles of avoidance. Recognizing the origins of your avoidance also provides insights into your emotional triggers, enabling more effective management of your reactions. Ultimately, this step is about gaining control over your responses by understanding your history.

    3. Communicate Openly

    Practice expressing your thoughts and feelings more openly with trusted individuals. This can be challenging at first but is crucial for building stronger, more secure relational bonds and reducing the instinct to pull away.

    Open communication fosters trust and deepens relationships, providing a counterbalance to avoidant tendencies. It also helps you and your partners or friends understand each other better, facilitating a more supportive and empathetic environment. As you become more comfortable with openness, you'll likely find it easier to navigate and sustain closer relationships.

    4. Set Gradual Goals for Intimacy

    Incrementally increase your comfort with intimacy. Set small, manageable goals, such as sharing a personal story or expressing affection, which can gradually help reduce your discomfort with closeness.

    These steps allow you to slowly acclimate to emotional and physical intimacy without overwhelming yourself. Each small success builds confidence and reinforces the safety and positivity of close relationships. Over time, these experiences can significantly alter your comfort level with intimacy, leading to more fulfilling and less fearful engagements.

    5. Seek Professional Guidance

    Consider therapy to better understand your attachment style and learn strategies to manage it. A therapist can provide a safe space to explore your fears about intimacy and teach you practical techniques to form healthier attachments.

    6. Practice Self-Compassion

    Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Healing an avoidant attachment style takes time and effort, and self-compassion can facilitate resilience and perseverance in this personal growth journey.

    Recognize that setbacks are part of the process and treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend. Self-compassion encourages a positive self-concept and reduces the self-criticism that often accompanies avoidant attachment. By nurturing yourself, you enhance your capacity to engage positively with others and embrace a more connected life.

    If you're still struggling with an avoidant attachment style and are ready to dive in, our self therapy journal How to Heal an Avoidant Attachment Style can help.

    We'll teach you the the psychology behind your attachment style, techniques to start rewiring your subconscious mind and take you on a journey from childhood, to dating and relationships that will help you to gain awareness of your patterns and take steps to heal your avoidant attachment style.

    Learn more

    Final Thoughts 

    By gaining awareness of your attachment style, you empower yourself with the knowledge needed to navigate complex emotional landscapes more effectively. This self-awareness allows you to identify patterns that may have previously led to misunderstandings or conflicts. You should feel proud of embarking on this journey of self-discovery.

    It's a courageous act to delve into such introspective aspects of your psyche, as it not only enhances your own emotional well-being but also improves the quality of your relationships. The effort you put into understanding yourself is not just about healing—it's about transforming the way you connect with the world around you.

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    I wanted to share the lessons I've learnt in a cool place and write in a way that appeals to all generations. I cover all things neuroscience, psychology and spirituality with a special interest in pop culture trends.