Best Meditation Retreats in Chiang Mai

Discover the magic of Chiang Mai retreats, your go-to sanctuary for yoga, meditation, and spiritual transformation. Recharge and deepen your practice in Thailand.

5 Best Meditation Retreats in Mexico

Discover the top 5 meditation retreats in Mexico for unparalleled mindfulness experiences. Find your sanctuary and elevate your well-being in these peaceful havens.

Why Opening Your Hips Releases Trauma

The hips tend to 'store' emotional tension or trauma. Opening them with yoga and meditation practices can help you to release and heal from trauma

How to Meditate in the Shower: 3 Different Methods

Life’s busy, meditate in the shower. Shower meditation is an effective mindfulness technique with numerous benefits to mental and physical health.

Binaural Beats vs Isochronic Tones: Which is Better?

Isochronic tones vs binaural beats are powerful sound frequencies with many health benefits. We explore how their differences, similarities and which is better

How to Start Learning About Spirituality: 5 Helpful Tips

Learning the basics about your spiritual side is an amazing and transformative experience. If you don't know where to start here's 5 helpful tips for spiritual beginners.

Breathwork for Anxiety [Step by Step]

Pranayama meditation is a powerful breathwork technique that can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, sleep apnea and stammering and has many other health benefits